Young Adults
Welcome to the Young Adult Group at Lafayette Community Church! Join us for a time of worship, prayer, and devotion as we gather together to grow in faith and fellowship. It’s a place where young adults can come together to seek God’s presence, find encouragement in His Word, and build meaningful relationships with one another. Discover the power of worship, the beauty of prayer, and the depth of devotion as we navigate this important season of life together. Come and experience the joy of worshiping joyfully, connecting deeply, and growing passionately. Let’s journey together in faith and discover the abundant life God has in store for us.
Join us every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm for a gathering like no other. Lafayette Community Church invites young adults in the 18 to 30ish age group to come together and build a community centered around the love, creation, and choosing of God. Experience a time of worship, prayer, and devotion as we grow in faith and fellowship. Discover the power of worshiping joyfully, connecting deeply, and growing passionately. Let’s journey together in faith and uncover the abundant life that God has in store for us. Take this important step in your faith journey and join us for a transformative and empowering gathering.