We are 25 years old.

April 4th, 2024 is Lafayette Community Church’s 25th birthday.

Thanks to Jim and Sally Peterson for the information and pictures shown here.

Don and Janice Leard, true pillars of our church community, have played an instrumental role in our journey. From the very beginning, Don was one of the first individuals Jim Peterson connected with as he ventured around town, building relationships and seeking to understand our community. In a beautiful twist of fate, when our time at the rented school was halfway through, Don approached Jim with a heartfelt offer: “I’ll build you a church.” And he did just that. With sheer determination, Don found the perfect lot, making way by dismantling a couple of old buildings. As if that wasn’t enough, he also made additional buildings available nearby, allowing us to create a hub for our food bank, school, and nursery. With gratitude in our hearts, we signed a long-term lease with Don – a lease that ultimately culminated in his incredibly generous donation of the entire property and church building to our congregation. Witnessing how God worked through Don and Janice’s lives to provide this sacred space has truly been an awe-inspiring blessing. Welcome to Lafayette Community Church, where faith finds its home.